Dinosaur Day Preservation

I started my own journey many years ago with simple tools that were available in those far off, archaic days of film cameras and scrapbooks and photo albums. Our written stories were recorded in diaries and journals or personal hand-written letters. Mementos were stored away in “treasure boxes” like old metal lunch boxes and cardboard storage boxes. The most special of items (of a small nature) were shut away in safety deposit boxes, never to see the light of day.

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6 Reasons Why You Should Digitize Your Photos and Documents

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Where is it??? Where did I save it????

When was the last time you needed a picture or document and couldn’t find it? Did you buy or download a digital book or map and can’t remember where you saved it? Maybe it was a file you saved years ago or maybe it was something you found just last week.

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How I Broke the Rule and Lost It All

My backup drives

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No!! No!! No!!!!!


Denial! It didn’t really happen! It couldn’t happen! I don’t do this!!!!!!!

And yet… it did! I lost an entire hard drive of photos because I didn’t take a minute (or actually an evening) to back up the pictures!!!

Continue reading “How I Broke the Rule and Lost It All”

4 Steps to a Better Day

“Success today! Great way to start a Friday!”

This was the announcement made by a parent this morning as she checked her child in at her daycare. Her fingerprint had scanned well, her ticket had printed and torn off easily.

What a simple task to help determine the course of her day!

Don't let situations rule your day
Don’t let situations rule your day

One little incident can oft times start our day off on a positive path or set us on a downward spiral that can easily get out of control. Those moments that fill our days have the power to determine our course. We give them that power. We hand off our control to the actions and incidents in our day that we don’t have control of to begin with.


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Salvage Your Resolution!

Salvage Your Resolution!

January 17th was National Ditch Your Resolution Day.

Are you as amazed and confused as me that they have actually determined a day when people are expected to throw in the towel for something that 17 days earlier they believed was worth while?

There, for sure, is some humor attached to the concept that we all realize, even at the beginning, that most resolutions are doomed to failure at the moment they are made. But there is also a sadness that we are a society so easily defeated.

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Welcome to “Preserve Your Journey”

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Grab a seat and a soda (or “pop”, lemonade, coffee, iced tea, wine…. or whatever suits you best) and put your feet up for some time to focus on your own personal journey as I share my own. This blog is born from a love of family and a desire to preserve what is possible for generations to come. That includes the stories, images, beliefs, goals and mementos of our treasured friends and family members.

My love of genealogy (the investigation into our family history) and photography, coupled with a family that loved to tell stories, has sent me in pursuit of ways to preserve MY journey. Continue reading “Welcome to “Preserve Your Journey””