Dinosaur Day Preservation

I started my own journey many years ago with simple tools that were available in those far off, archaic days of film cameras and scrapbooks and photo albums. Our written stories were recorded in diaries and journals or personal hand-written letters. Mementos were stored away in “treasure boxes” like old metal lunch boxes and cardboard storage boxes. The most special of items (of a small nature) were shut away in safety deposit boxes, never to see the light of day.

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Salvage Your Resolution!

Salvage Your Resolution!

January 17th was National Ditch Your Resolution Day.

Are you as amazed and confused as me that they have actually determined a day when people are expected to throw in the towel for something that 17 days earlier they believed was worth while?

There, for sure, is some humor attached to the concept that we all realize, even at the beginning, that most resolutions are doomed to failure at the moment they are made. But there is also a sadness that we are a society so easily defeated.

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My Genealogy Do-Over

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1992 … The beginning of my search into my family history.

My early years of research were filled with many poor research habits. I first started using paper and pencil with the many varieties of forms common in genealogy. I loved computers and was quick to look into the early genealogy databases that were available back in the day. My first choice was a program called Brother’s Keeper. It was one of the few available at the time and I loved the data entry process and the ability of the computer to keep track of the data without the need to rewrite it over and over. I also loved the neat forms and reports that could be printed and shared.

From there my appreciation of computer data programs for genealogy was set in stone.

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My First Steps to Success in Blogging

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It’s Alive!!!!

My blog has gone live!

As of May, 2018, PreserveYourJourney. com is up and running! If you’ve found this post, then you have met me at the early stages of blogging.

My purpose in these entries is not so much to give you all the step-by-step details about how to get your blog up and running. For that I would send you to the place where I found all my instructions and encouragement: Blogging Blastoff course offered by ItsALovelyLife. com.

Blogging Blastoff online course
Blogging Blastoff online course

Continue reading “My First Steps to Success in Blogging”